There is no reason to panic. Being prepared is the key.

Preparation is half the battle won.

Sunday, March 23, 2008


In most everything, one usually can look back after the fact, and say, “Yes I guess there were signs to the present disaster,” thus, there is a chronological list of prophetic events to the Coming battle, we all call Armageddon, in the near-past it has been more legend and lore, in ones theological mind than reality, but I would be hard pressed to believe that now: it is true light for our everyday reality. We are at present entering that very era, and perhaps one-day someone will say, “I heard of that, isn’t it myth?” Like Sodom and Gomorra.

I hear many folks saying, the none believers mostly, “We’ve always had wars,” pertaining to the bible scripture that says, in so many words: in those days there will be wars, and rumors of wars. Let me define that statement a little more to how it was meant to be read (Matt. 24:6): yes, there has been times where there have been wars and rumors of wars, but there has not been widespread wars plus rumors of more wars coming from all parts of the globe likened this era.

This is the era we are living in my friend. We have a number of wars going on now: from Haiti, or the Caribbean area to African Sudan, and a number of other African countries: Chad and there beyond, is unrest and anarchy in Zimbabwe. In South America, we have a number of countries unstable (with growing dictators, and want to be dictators, from Venezuela, Peru, Bolivia to Equator, and Colombia; thank God the people of most of those countries, not all, put such dictators down with their votes, poor Venezuela has now to suffer with its arch demon for a ruler, and Bolivia will perhaps wakeup in time, like Peru did, and), and rumors of unrest, possible wars for the near future.

In Asia and Indonesia, we have Timor, and terrorists in Java, a rocky area indeed. And in Europe we have unrest again in several eastern countries. In the Middle East we have more than unrest and a war just ended in Lebanon (ready to start up at any moment again), and one still going on in Israel, ready to ignite another regional war with Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia (rumors again: but remember they have two previous wars); and Iraqi, and we see they are trying to talk to Iran (Iran threatening to blow Israel off the face of the earth once they get the big bomb, which they’ve almost got, making them number #8, in the nuclear field of deadly countries)) and North Korea right behind them, making them number #9), and Syria, in hopes to slow down their supplying the enemy, thus, all three countries are really at war, in a war zone: call it what they will, but that is what it is. So we have one forth of the world’s at war, and perhaps one third in the state of rumors of wars to be.

If this is not global, what is, and this is just the beginning, I haven’t even brought up the fuse burning with Japan over North Korea (but I suppose I will now), or Japan with China, and Taiwan, whom China threatens to war with soon (and we do not have a fleet of ships circling Taiwan for nothing)) thus, we have threatened China to war with them, should they do as they said they’d do; and in time I do believe they will do as they said, why not?)). And India who has threatened to use the big bomb on Pakistan, and in return they have reminded India they now are the 7th (I think) country to have the nuke likewise, and can throw one their way. So you see, the war games are in place. Even some of the Pacific islands are in turmoil over rulership, another provoking war signal.

I must say on the list of Chronological events to Armageddon, this is just one of many. I was going to go through more, but time does not permit, and it would take more space than I’m allowed on this magazine. But the premise of this article is, we are entering the era to Armageddon, right this minute.

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